Back to my Day Job

It’s been awhile since my last update. I think my last post was before my husband and I took a vacation to see my sister and her family down in Austin, Texas. We managed to fit in a trip across to the other side of the state to go backpacking and canyon paddling in Big Bend National Park. Then shortly after returning home I had to go back to my day job unexpectedly early which means I’m gone 60 hours a week . I’m not sure if I ever mentioned that I’m an exploration geologist at a gold mine about 45 min- 1 hour outside of town, so in addition to my 10-hour days I’ve got a sizable commute.

I’ve been back at work for 3 weeks and am quickly realizing that I won’t be able to continue my developer studies unless I can shave some hours off my work week. I’m looking into applying for a software development program in the fall for which I’ll need to introduce myself to Ruby in order to have a solid application. Stay tuned for updates.

For now I’ll post a couple photos of what I’ve been doing instead of being glued to my computer (which was what I did for January and February.) The weather’s been so nice I just want to be outside in all of my spare time. The geologists’ conundrum…


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